The Green - Schedule
Don't forget our all day rolling concert on the Green. It's free! The Village Choir kicks it off at noon. After that you'll be able to hear some of our top acts giving taster shows before their ticketed concerts, including our patrons Nancy Kerr and James Fagan. Enjoy Herts Early Dance, music from popular local musicians and Ukrainian singer Alla Kravchuck and friends performing traditional and modern Ukrainian songs, with the chance to learn some Ukrainian dance steps.
So settle in with fine artisan food and drink and enjoy a fabulous afternoon of fun and frolics culminating in the usual summer ceilidh, this year with Buckley's Chance and caller Martin Lindridge.
12pm - 12.30 Kimpton Village Choir
12.30 - 13.00 Lizzy Hardingham
13.15 - 13.30 Granny’s Attic taster set
13.45 - 14.45 James Fagan & Nancy Kerr with John Doran and Maddie Morris
15.00 - 15.30 Hertfordshire Early Dance, display and invitation to participate
15.45 - 16.15 Said the Maiden
16.30 - 16.55 Bill Redway & Nigel Hyams
17.10 - 17.40 Alla Kravchuck, Music and Dance from Ukraine
17.55 - 18.20 Steve Warner
18.35 - 19.30 Ceilidh with Buckley’s Chance & caller Martin Lindridge
Events on the Green are free.
Tickets for the paid concerts are limited in number so - buy yours now!
And remember - under 12s have free access to concerts when accompanied by a paying adult.
Take your time to stroll around all of the venues. Pause at The Boot pub to listen to the buskers and the open mic sessions, then stop off at the Village Green stage, with free entertainment, a full range of artisan street food stalls, real ales bars, craft stalls and kiddie zone at nearby Garden Fields.
As ever, Kimpton Folk Festival is a complete family day out with so much to see, hear and do - so book your tickets now!
CAR PARK - parking is free!